Friday, March 27, 2015

Be the Change You Want to See

What does it take to be an inspirational, motivational, effective, charismatic, powerful leader?

Strong leaders are essential for business success, never more so than in the current challenging climate. As a leader, you need to command respect, have presence and gravitas, combine strategy with emotional intelligence, make people naturally want to follow you, inspire your team to excellence.

Gandhi famously advised us “to be the change you want to see in the world.” I believe that leaders need to model, exemplify….essentially be what they are asking for in their teams and companies, and that this takes advanced personal development.

Self-understanding is fundamental. You need to understand yourself, your personality and what you need to be to deliver your best, and to understand and maximize how you come across to others.

Essentially, excellent leaders need to be authentic and to convey this congruence and alignment between thoughts, words, and actions in everything they do. Otherwise you get a jarring dissonance and disconnect that undermines your ability to lead effectively. You can’t be authentic if you don’t know who you are.

Integrity and authenticity are about wholeness, really, a state where your actions are aligned with both your individual values and the shared values of the company.

Here are some aspects to develop into leadership potential:

  • Understanding your personality and how you can deliver your own unique brand of leadership

  • Understanding the impact you have on others and how to maximize this

  • Raising your energy so that work and life become mutually energizing rather than draining

  • Identifying your needs and getting them met to raise your energy and effectiveness

  • Identifying and leveraging your strengths to create brilliant results

  • Understanding your values and leading with them to inspire others

  • Creating clarity and alignment internally and externally to reach optimum performance

  • Being exceptional not just in your business strategy, but in how you motivate and inspire your team to stretch into their potential and work together to deliver their best

  • Personal development, approached with a systematic and structured framework, is, I believe, a precondition for brilliant, powerful leaders who need to embody the change they want to create, and the results they want to see.

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